Thursday, October 7, 2010

Day 54

I met a lot of people today at the playground. There was a mommy collective today, which meant a lot of stay-at-home moms had an organized playdate. There were no stay-at-home dads. We're much stealthier, I guess. Anyway, I got to meet multiple people, so here it comes. My most favorite, completely insane, absolutely made-up piece of technology I own: yon Bisiwig. Do your thing. Round and round and round it goes, and where it stops...

Kim is one of the folks I met. She's got 3 kids. I can't comprehend that kind of busy-ness, but she seemed to be handling it fine. This was aided, I'm sure, by her third child being strapped to her and asleep. My wife is pregnant with our second, so I asked for advice about having multiple kids. I never got the advice, though, because at that moment my kid was doing something ridiculous and I had to go rescue her. We got to talk some more, but our conversation was interrupted multiple times by one of our kids acting like a maniac. I found out her husband is a Christian musician. I might get a chance to play drums with him soon. All in all a good meeting. I hope this makes up for the lame duck week I've been having.

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