I went shopping with my family this morning to try and meet someone. I felt determined, driven even, to break my losing streak and bring you people a good post. We went to the first store, and... nothing. No problem. Shake it off, buddy. You the man! You can do this! We made our second stop. Nothing. What the... wait. I know I put on my deodorant today. What's going on here? We start walking to the final store on our errand list, and I'm just depressed. "What's wrong with me?" I asked my wife. "I know I used to be good at this. Why can't I meet anyone?!?" Then I met Cathy. This meeting would simultaneously shut my impatient, prideful mouth, and bring this entire project into stark perspective. How, you ask? Because Cathy is a 4 year breast cancer survivor.
She was wearing a Susan G. Komen "Walk for the Cure," t-shirt. I asked her about it because my Grandma Joy died from breast cancer. My Grandma was one of the strongest, most beautiful people I've ever known, and anyone who's working to cure the disease that took her from us is worth paying attention to. She told me about her fight with cancer. It was caught early and hadn't spread, and she still needed surgery and chemotherapy to beat it. That was four years ago. Tomorrow she and her mother are walking to raise money for breast cancer research. I really can't express how emotional I felt. I was getting weepy just listening to her. I told her about my Grandma, and Cathy said she would put her name on the shirt she was going to wear during the walk. That's when I really started to fall apart.
This post is for you, Grandma Joy. You're deserving of much, much more. I love you, and I can't wait to see you again.
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